Iktibar - Terasing

Pernahkah anda berasa terasing kerana memilih untuk berpegang dengan Islam? Ketahuilah buat mereka yang rasa terasing ini, sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW memberi khabar berita gembira buat anda. 

Abu Hurairah r.a. meriwayatkan, bahawa Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda, "Islam bermula dalam keadaan asing. Dan ia akan kembali asing. Maka, beruntunglah mereka yang menjadi asing" (HR Muslim)

credit: http://salafus-sholih.blogspot.com/2010/11/orang-yang-terasing.html

Fakta - Manuskrip Kuno dimata Kristen Barat dan Amerika

(Sumber: Muhammad Isa Dawud, “Dajjal Akan Muncul Dari Segitiga Bermuda” (diterjemahkan oleh Drs. Tarmana Ahmad Qosim), Bandung: Pustaka Hidayah, Cet. VI, November 1997, hal. 213-215)

Sejak beberapa tahun, saya bersahabat dengan seorang profesor orientalis asal Prancis. Ia menguasai bahasa Arab dengan fasih dan beberapa bahasa yang telah punah: Siryani, Aram, Ibrani, dan Amhari. Ia adalah seorang pakar dalam kajian perbandingan agama. Karena kesungguhan dan kejujuran, ia memeluk Islam karena Allah. Akan tetapi, ia menyembunyikan keislamannya. Dalam suatu pertemuan, ia memberitahu saya tentang keislamannya karena Allah dan berjanji kepada saya memberi hadiah yang sangat berharga dan tak bisa dinilai harganya. Ini terjadi dalam perjalanan saya kembali ke Kairo.

Ia menepati janjinya. Ia memperlihatkan kepada saya foto beberapa tulisan dalam bahasa kuno. Ia menerjemahkannya untuk saya. Tulisan itu menegaskan bahwa Kristen Barat dan Amerika memerangi kaum Muslim berdasarkan manuskrip-manuskrip kuno. Di antaranya ada yang berasal dari kaum Muslim, lalu dicuri, dan sebagian berasal dari generasi-generasi sebelum kelahiran Nabi Isa atau sesudahnya. Ketika ia memberikan kepada saya sebuah tulisan dan terjemahannya, ia berkata, “Jika Anda menginginkan gambar-gambar, lembaran-lembaran, manuskrip-manuskrip seperti ini, datanglah ke Vatikan, universitas-universitas, di Swedia, Jerman, dan beberapa tempat di Prancis.”

Yang ditunjukkan kepada saya adalah manuskrip milik seorang bernama Ibn Harsyil ar-Rumi, seorang Yahudi, dan diberi komentar oleh seorang profesor dari Prancis yang mengatakan, “Ia beriman kepada Allah dan kata-katanya benar berdasarkan apa yang diketahui dari riwayat yang hidup.”

Yang terpenting adalah bahwa Ibn Harsyil mengatakan dalam syairnya berikut ini:

Kebebasan Dajjal, kebebasan al-Kakhbad,
Kebebasan alam seluruhnya.
Segala urusannya ada di pantai jauh, dan binasa.
Semua orang adalah Dajjal, segala urusan bergerak
dan berputar.
Semua orang adalah Dajjal, ilmunya berisi sihir
Dan tipuan, dan Tuhan.
Tuhan kembali memerintahkan al-Kakhbad membunuh Dajjal
Dan menghancurkan negeri paling jelek, penuh kesusahan.
Tiada kebebasan lebih dari kebebasan alam,
kebebasan kemuliaan, dan kembalinya sejahtera.
Di setiap bumi Tuhan, al-Kakhbad memerangi pantai dan sungai.
Tinggalkanlah kebinasaan, bebaskan gelas dan kepala,
bebaskan kepayahan, bebaskan kadal.
Bebaskan singa, bebaskan beruang.

Setelah itu, Ibn Harsyil langsung mengatakan dalam syairnya yang lain:

Barat dan timur, setiap Arab dan Barat,
setiap urusan seluruh dunia.
Tunduk pada al-Kakhbad, dan kebebasan Dajjal
Kebebasan tanpa akhir kecuali setelah kembali al-Masih.
Setiap serigala dan kambing bersama-sama memuji Tuhan,
kebebasan alam berakhir.
Al-Kakhbad mati syahid, lalu kerajaan milik al-Masih.
Berkuasa beberapa tahun, dan mati karena renta,
kebebasan membara.
Dan membakar, al-Masih hadir belum mati, dan hancur lagi.
Seluruh dunia dalam bencana dan kebebasan,
seluruh dunia dalam keburukan.
Tetapi yang pasrah pada Tuhan, al-Masih petunjuk memohon
dan Tuhan mengabulkan.
Tuhan mengabulkan, menghancurkan bara
dan bakar dengan burung unta.

Lalu Ibn Harsyil ar-Rumi menutup perkataannya dengan syair berikut:

Seluruh dunia aman lagi, seluruh dunia rumah al-Kakhbad.
Al-Masih meminta kembali pada Tuhannya,
semua kebebasan menjadi jauh.
Tuhan memperingatkan semua. Semua mendapat petunjuk,
pasrah kepada Tuhan.
Semua ingin segala hal, maka ada apa yang diinginkan.
Seluruh dunia Tuhan tiba masa binasa.
Seluruh dunia Tuhan tiada kebaikannya bagi Tuhan, Dia kuasa.
Matahari lari dan terbenam arah terbalik, binatang berbicara.
Semua: hukum Tuhan tak tampak, tiba kebinasaan,
bagi Tuhan apa yang dikehendaki.
Itulah berita tentang Musa, dan aku dekat kepada Musa.
Aku, Barisy bin Hamis, melihat Musa yang diajak Tuhan bicara.
Tetapi yang melihatnya al-Kakhbad lebih besar
dari al-Kakhbad di akhir zaman Tuhan.
Shalawat dan salam Tuhan atasnya.

Betul, itu adalah bom dan kejutan. Namun ada yang lebih dahsyat. Dalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan Nu’aim bin Hamad, Nabi Muhammad saw berwasiat kepada para pengikutnya yang akan menaklukkan Roma dan selanjutnya Vatikan untuk berhati-hati pada tempat tertentu. Di situ terdapat sesuatu tertentu, “Jika kalian telah menaklukan Roma, masuklah ke gereja sebelah timur melewati pintu sebelah timur. Lalu ikatkan tujuh bendera dan bunuhlah yang kedelapan. Sebab, di bawahnya terdapat tongkat Musa, Injil, dan perhiasan Bait al-Maqdis.”

credit: http://eradajjal.blogspot.com/2009/07/manuskrip-kuno-dimata-kristen-barat-dan.html

Photography - Canon EOS 7D

Canon EOS 7D

Fine detailed, high image quality
Newly developed, 18 megapixels CMOS sensor for high resolution images of superb quality and details ( Image sensor size 22.3 x 14.9mm, lens crop factor 1.6x).
Dual DIGIC 4 Imaging Processor’s 14-bit A/D conversion gives rapid processing speeds while maintaining fine detail and accurate colour reproduction
Smaller RAW file format settings gives you the versatility of RAW at a smaller file sizes (M RAW & S RAW)
Auto Lighting Optimizer function with 4 settings (Standard, low, strong and disable) - Analyzes the brightness of the photographic subject, and automatically corrects the dark parts to make them brighter.
Lens Peripheral Illumination Correction setting to automatically even the brightness across the image

Quick response for stress-free shooting
8fps continuous shooting speed, up to a maximum burst of 94 shots (126 shots with UDMA compliant CF card) for Large / fine JPEG , approx 15 shots for RAW.
Fast 0.1sec. startup time
Silent shooting mode for quiet environments
High-precision 63-zone Dual-layer Metering Sensor

Live View mode
Shooting from the LCD monitor allows easy verification of focus, composition and exposure.
Enhanced live view focusing methods, including Quick mode, Live mode and Face detection mode.

EOS Integrated Cleaning System
Comprehensive measures to minimize the effects of dust particles on images
Includes Self Cleaning Sensor Unit with fluorine coating for better resistance to dust and Dust Delete Function

Durable Body with Rugged Design
Magnesium alloy body for rugged field use
High shutter durability* of approx. 150, 000 cycles
3.0-inch Clear View II LCD with improved coatings and hardened glass
Dust and water – resistant construction**
* Shutter durability may vary depending on usage and environmental conditions
** EOS cameras are water and dust resistant, however, it is not recommended for use in rain

EOS movie
Full HD Video capture at 1920 x 1080 resolution and flexible frame rates for a more flexible creative control over movie capture
Full HD: 30fps, 25fps or 24fps
HD/SD: 60fps or 50fps
Manual exposure possible with movie shooting
Simple editing of movies in-camera provided

Fast & Sharp Focus
All new AF system with 19-point cross-type AF sensors (central dual cross f/2.8) with improved AI servo AF predictability
Diverse AF shooting enabled with 19 AF points
Five Area AF selection modes: Single point AF, Spot AF, AF point expansion, Zone AF and 19-point Auto selection AF.
The Area AF selection mode and AF point cab be set separately for horizontal and vertical (grip at top or bottom) shooting
13 AF-related Custom functions provided for flexible AF settings

Easy Operation
Large Intelligent Viewfinder with transparent liquid crystal screen provides 100% coverage, 1.0x magnification and settings displayed (AF points, grid and spot metering circle).
Flexible setting of ISO speed to adjust camera’s sensitivity to light for best exposure (ISO 100 – 6400, expandable to 12800)
Dual Axis Electronic Level on LCD monitor and Intelligent Viewfinder helps to level the camera during shooting
Mode dial for easy access to a wide range of shooting modes for different shooting conditions:
Full Auto
Creative Auto
Program AE
Shutter-priority AE (Tv)
Aperture-priority AE (Av)
Custom 1
Custom 2
Custom 3
Picture Style
Just like selecting the film type on a conventional camera, users can get the optimum image by selecting the correct setting.
6 image composition modes available with sharpness, contrasts, colour tone, saturation can be adjustable:
Standard- vivid and sharp images (general shooting) 
Portrait- beautiful skin tones and clear image quality 
Landscape- vivid blues and greens, enhanced sharpness.
Neutral- natural colour reproduction, low sharpness and moderate expression.
Faithful- extremely accurate colour reproduction in daylight 
Monochrome- black and white or sepia images 
Picture Style Editor lets you create your own Picture Style 

Expanded Shooting Possibilities
Integrated Speedlite Transmitter (Master function for wireless flash) provides wireless control of compatible EX-series Speedlites as a slave unit
HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) output for displaying full high-resolution images on a High Definition TV

credit: http://www.canon.com.my/p/EN/114-Digital-Cameras/200-EOS/1278-EOS-7D/

Photography - History Canon

A modest beginning in a small room

In 1933, a small laboratory dedicated to making high-quality cameras was set up in a simple apartment room in the Roppongi area of Tokyo. At the time, all high-quality cameras were European with the majority coming from Germany. It was in this small room that young people with a big dream earnestly began their work on producing a high-quality Japanese camera, marking the beginning of Canon. Through hard work and with an enterprising spirit, they eventually succeeded in building a prototype, which was named Kwanon after the Buddhist goddess of mercy. The following year, in 1935, Japan's first-ever 35mm focal-plane-shutter camera, the Hansa Canon, was born, along with the Canon brand.

Striving for the world's best camera

In 1950, Canon's first president, Takeshi Mitarai, went to America for the first time to attend an international trade fair. Having seen modern factories and a high standard of living first hand, upon his return, he built a fireproof factory of steel-reinforced concrete in the Shimomaruko area of Tokyo, which he saw as essential for Canon to succeed in doing business with the world at large. Mitarai also made clear his respect for humanity by stressing the importance of the Sanji, or Three Selfs spirit, the guiding principle for Canon employees. In 1955, Canon made its first step into the global market with the opening of a U.S. office in New York City. In 1957, Canon set up its sole European distributor, Canon Europa, in Geneva, Switzerland. By 1967 exports already topped 50% of the company's total sales.

The challenge of diversification

Soon after its founding, Canon was hard at work in 1941 on diversifying itself with the introduction of Japan's first indirect X-ray camera and other products. In the 1960s, the company took further steps toward diversification by adding electrical, physical and chemical technologies to its optical and precision technologies. In 1964, Canon entered the office equipment market with the debut of the world's first 10-key electronic calculator. In 1967, the management slogan "cameras in the right hand, business machines in the left" was unveiled and in 1969 the company changed its name from Canon Camera Co., Inc. to Canon Inc. Canon took on the challenge of developing Japan's first plain paper copying machine, which it introduced in 1970, and realized further diversification from one challenging field to the next.

Averting disaster with the Premier Company Plan

By 1970, Canon grew to 44.8 billion yen in sales and more than 5,000 employees. But hit by dollar and oil shocks, followed by problems with a defective electronic calculator display component in 1974, Canon fell on hard times. In the first half of 1975, it failed to pay a dividend for the first time since becoming a public company. In 1976, Canon unveiled its Premier Company Plan, an ambitious strategy to transform Canon into an "excellent global company" through such means as introducing a vertical business group constitution and establishing a horizontal development, production and sales system. The plan proposed high ideals and pooled the strength of its employees, enabling the company to promptly recover.

Canon's second inauguration

Canon continued to grow under the Premier Company Plan. With the dawn of the personal computer age, Canon introduced to the world a series of products never before seen, among them a personal copying machine based on an all-in-one cartridge system, a laser printer with semiconductor laser, and a Bubble Jet inkjet printer. Canon also began promoting global production in earnest on the road to becoming an excellent global company. Then, in 1988, the 51st anniversary of the company's founding, Canon announced its second inauguration and unveiled its corporate philosophy of kyosei, an unfamiliar term at the time. It also began promoting such progressive and environmentally sound activities as toner cartridge recycling in addition to globalizing its development sites.

The Excellent Global Corporation Plan

Canon had developed unprecedented technologies and carefully nurtured them to create business opportunities and products unrivaled by any other company. But by the mid-1990s, the business division system that had been in place since the 1970s was showing signs of wear. Canon also carried debt of more than 840 billion yen, meaning the company needed to improve its financial constitution if it was to carry out long-term R&D projects and launch new businesses. Fujio Mitarai became Canon's 6th company president in 1995, and in 1996 the Excellent Global Corporation Plan was launched. Transforming the corporate mindset from partial to total optimization and from a focus on sales to a focus on profits, the new plan was the start of the innovations that characterize today's Canon.

1933Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory established
1934Kwanon camera prototype developed
1936Hansa Canon camera introduced
photo: Hansa Canon 35mm focal-plane-shutter camera
Hansa Canon 35mm focal-plane-shutter camera
1937Precision Optical Industry, Co., Ltd. founded
1941Japan's first indirect X-ray camera introduced
1947Company name changed to Canon Camera Co., Inc.
1955New York branch office opened
1957Sole European distributor, Canon Europa, established
1961Canonet camera introduced
photo: Canonet Electric Eye (EE) camera
Canonet Electric Eye (EE) camera
1964Canola 130 calculator introduced
photo: Canola 130, the world's first 10-key electronic calculator
Canola 130, the world's first 10-key electronic calculator
1967"Cameras in the right hand, business machines in the left."
1969Company name changed to Canon Inc.
1970NP-1100 copying machine introduced
photo: NP-1100, Japan's first plain paper copying machine
NP-1100, Japan's first plain paper copying machine
1970PPC-1 mask aligner introduced
1976Premier Company Plan launched
1976AE-1 SLR camera introduced
photo: AE-1, the world's first SLR camera with a built-in microcomputer
AE-1, the world's first SLR camera with a built-in microcomputer
1979LBP-10 laser printer introduced
photo: LBP-10, the world's first laser printer with a semiconductor laser
LBP-10, the world's first laser printer with a semiconductor laser
1982PC-10/20 personal copying machine introduced
photo: PC-10/20, the world's first personal copying machine with an all-in-one cartridge system
PC-10/20, the world's first personal copying machine with an all-in-one cartridge system
1985BJ-80 inkjet printer introduced
photo: BJ-80, the world's first inkjet printer using Bubble Jet technology
BJ-80, the world's first inkjet printer using Bubble Jet technology
1987CLC-1 digital full-color copying machine introduced
1987EOS650 AF SLR camera introduced
1988Corporate philosophy of kyosei introduced with company's second inauguration
1990Toner cartridge collection and recycling program launched
1996Excellent Global Corporation Plan launched
2000Canon Inc. ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange
2000PowerShot S100 DIGITAL ELPH (DIGITAL IXUS) compact digital camera introduced
photo: PowerShot S100 DIGITAL ELPH (DIGITAL IXUS in other areas) compact digital camera
PowerShot S100 DIGITAL ELPH (DIGITAL IXUS in other areas) compact digital camera
2000iR series of network multifunction devices introduced
photo: iR3250 network multifunction device
iR3250 network multifunction device
2002EOS-1Ds digital SLR camera introduced
photo: EOS-1Ds high-end professional digital SLR camera
EOS-1Ds high-end professional digital SLR camera
2006imagePROGRAF iPF9000 printer introduced
photo: imagePROGRAF iPF9000 large-format inkjet printer
imagePROGRAF iPF9000 large-format inkjet printer
2007imagePRESS C7000VP digital press introduced
2009imageRUNNER ADVANCE network multifunction device introduced